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Weekly letter

We have published - the first print edition of our newspaper

Interviews, columns, portrait, comic, photo essay, theatre horoscope and a handwritten poem. Weekly letter #9

Team Gessnerallee, October 2, 2024

Dear Gessnerallee visitors, dear culture enthusiasts, dear artists

In the summer we wrote ‘Time to publish’, online in the first editorial of our newspaper. And: ‘Let's make a virtue out of necessity - and our love of journalism’.

We have kept our word. The first print edition of the new Gessnerallee Zeitung was delivered right on time for the first opening weekend at the end of September. Just ten days after it had been announced that the ‘Züritipp’, which is published every Thursday as a supplement to the ‘Tages-Anzeiger’, was to be discontinued at the end of the year as part of cost-cutting measures. In response, numerous cultural institutions have issued a joint statement to express their concerns about the future of cultural journalism and cultural journalists, the people behind the texts.  

‘A lack of visibility in the media because, editorial offices have fewer and fewer financial resources available for in-depth and thorough cultural journalism’ - given the current developments in the media landscape this reason, presented in our editorial as to why we decided to launch a newspaper, is even more important now. 

Gessnerallee now has a new stage with the newspaper. It is intended to provide a place for social debates that should be negotiated through art and to give artists more visibility.

Together with the Bodara graphic design studio, over the past few months, we not only invested a lot of time and love in the digital appearance of our newspaper but especially in this first print edition. Inside you will find a photo essay by photographer Hannah Gottschalk on the development of the play ‘Tourist Trap’ by director Thom Luz, a theatre horoscope by comedian, performer and musician Jane Mumford and a comic by artist and musician Rada Leu.

Writer and journalist Seraina Kobler wrote about the power of collective presence in theatre for our column ‘A thought on theatre’. Mbene Mwambene, an actor, journalist and director, wrote a commentary on theatre productions in times of crisis in our thematic bracket ‘War’. The bracket is supplemented with the poem ‘Our Common Wars’ by author Max Czollek and the text excerpt ‘How you Run’ from the play ‘COLD’ by spoken word poets Fatima Moumouni and Laurin Buser, which will be shown again at the Gessnerallee in January 2025.

The two queer theatre makers, activists and experts Hannes Rudolph and Nele Solf led an intensive exchange on trans realities in the theatre, and, in two interviews, choreographers Mélissa Guex and Oona Doherty gave us an insight into their work and what it's like to be on the ground. Dramaturge Noa Winter explains the importance of artistic accessibility in ‘Aesthetics of Acces’ and Year-to-Date, who are currently curating our music programme, gave us a handwritten poem.

The first print edition concludes with a portrait by Rahel Bains of André Donzé and Küde Brun, who both worked as technicians at Gessnerallee for more than 25 years and look back on the early 1980s when people were still ‘dancing on the tables until early in the morning’ at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel.

During our two opening weekends the first copies of our newspaper were already diligently purchased. If you don't have one yet, you can order one for CHF 5 (excl. CHF 2 postage). Simply order one by sending an e-mail to: It is also possible to order all four issues of this season.

As usual, we provide a weekly overview of programme items, newspaper articles, news and anything else we would like to share with you:

Programme recommendation of the week

20 October, 11 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

‘Swiss Performance Award 2024’

The Swiss Performance Award is aimed at artists or collectives who are active in the field of performance art through their training, working methods or presentation practice. The seven nominated artists Луcија Berlin, Sultan Çoban, Lilian Frei, Markus Goessi, Maria Fernanda Ordoñez Pinzon, Lean Rüegg and Rebecca Solari will present a current or specially developed performance at the public event on Sunday, 20 October. Based on the performances, a jury will decide on the winner of the Swiss Performance Award. The prize is endowed with 30,000 Swiss francs, plus an audience prize of 5,000 Swiss francs. This year's jury is made up of Séverine Fromaigeat, Stefanie Knobel, Patrick de Rham, Davide-Christelle Sanvee and Kathrin Veser. More information on the detailed programme can be found here.


Time to publish

From the 2024/25 season, Gessnerallee will be publishing, both digitally and in print, with English and German-language contributions. We explain why we are doing this in our first editorial from 21 August. To the article


Last week we went to the premiere of ‘Tourist Trap’ by Thom Luz & Ensemble - and laughed our heads off and shed a few tears. An incredibly beautiful, disturbing and funny work. For all those who also want to see it: ‘Tourist Trap’ is coming to Zurich's Gessnerallee from 9 to 12 January 2025. Secure your ticket now.

Due to the extensive preparations for the ‘Swiss Performance Award 2024’, which takes place this Sunday, 20 October, the Stall6 Bar will be closed on Saturday, 19 October.

It would give us great pleasure to see you again soon, and also, if you buy our newspaper.

The Gessnerallee team

PS: Have you already bought the first printed edition of the new Gessnerallee newspaper? Write to Rahel Bains and order it now for CHF 5 (excl. CHF 2 postage) direct to your home. Mail to:

PPS: If you enjoy our weekly newsletter, please feel free to recommend it to others. You can subscribe under the following link:

PPPS: We would be delighted if you follow us on social networks: Instagram and LinkedIn.

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