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Weekly letter

Season start high

We're still reminiscing about the first start of the season weekend – and the next one is just around the corner. Weekly letter #7

Team Gessnerallee, October 2, 2024

Copyright: Hannah Gottschalk

Dear Gessnerallee visitors, dear culture enthusiasts, dear artists

Last weekend, we officially started the new season under new management. And as usual in the theatre, where you prepare for months for this one premiere, this one evening and, in our case, this one start to the season, we also hoped that our wishes and expectations for these two days would be fulfilled.

And they were. Friday's performances were sold out. We marvelled at Mélissa Guex and Clement Grin performing their duet ‘DOWN (full album)’. We were touched by ‘The Making of Pinocchio’ by Cade & MacAskill and we danced to the DJ sets by black pitch soundsystem aka tracy september and Siavash Nameshiri until late into the night.

On Saturday, as hoped, young and old came to Stall6 in large numbers to draw washable tattoos, print bags and shirts with neon-coloured and glittering Gessnerallee logos, go on a voyage of discovery through the building and chat with us, the Gessnerallee team. Spoiler: This was the first, but certainly not the last afternoon of this kind for young and old. And on both Friday and Saturday, we celebrated the successful reopening of the Stall6 Bar with wonderful drinks and snacks. As of this week, the Stall6 Bar will be open again regularly from Wednesday to Saturday from 5pm and, of course, always one hour before the start of events at Gessnerallee.

Copyright: Laura Rivas Kaufmann

There was another reason to celebrate: one day before the start of the season, the first print edition of our newspaper was delivered to your door. Over the weekend we had to keep refilling the newspaper stand next to the box office because so many copies were being sold (if you don't have one yet, you can get one on-site next weekend or order one directly to your home via:

On Saturday night - after these magical two days - we and our audience were thrilled, and so were the artists. Some found it hard to say goodbye. ‘The time here in Zurich flew by,’ said Rosanna Cade after the last show. The group around Rosanna Cade and Ivor MacAskill have moved on now after their almost three-week stay at the Gessnerallee. But we are staying and will continue to celebrate.

Programme recommendations of the week

4 and 5 October, both at 8 pm

‘Navy Blue’ by Oona Doherty

For the second weekend of the season-opening, we are presenting the first work by internationally acclaimed choreographer Oona Doherty for a large stage. Ten dancers plunge through galactic blackness, existential horror and shimmering hope. Duration: 50 minutes. More information

Following the performance of ‘Navy Blue’ on Friday, 4 October, there will be an audience discussion with Oona Doherty in Halle Ost. The discussion will be held in English with a German whispered translation.

On Saturday, 5 October, there will also be an opportunity to learn movement language and material from the performance ‘Navy Blue’ together with Oona Doherty at the Tanzhaus. The free workshop is open to dancers, choreographers, performers and anyone interested in movement. More information about the workshop

4 and 5 October, 9.30 pm each night

LA Timpa & WAT TAKLAEW / Chuquimamani-Condori & Aho Ssan

Year-To-Date - an association of artists and musicians from Zurich who curate the Gessnerallee's music programme - presents two double evenings of concerts by musicians from Sacramento, London, Paris and Zurich at the start of the season. More information about 4.10. and 5.10.

4 October, 6 pm

‘Mother Tongues’ (AT) by Rebekka Bangerter

What can a living archive of dying languages look like? And can it manage the balancing act between preservation and transformation? Director Rebekka Bangerter explores these questions in her research. As part of her multi-week residency at the Gessnerallee, she invites you to a showing. More information

3 October, 7 pm

‘through sounds / among words / in company’ by Tim Zulauf/KMU productions and network

The art theatre network Tim Zulauf/KMUProduktionen is realising a three-part book project with the Zurich publishing house edition fink with the title: ‘durch Geräusche / unter Wörtern / in Gesellschaft’. 22 years of theatre and art work. The publication of the reader ‘durch Geräusche’ will be celebrated at the book launch. Reading from it: Susanne Abelein, Ariane Andereggen, Vivien Bullert, Philippe Graber, Meret Hottinger, Ursula Reiter, Andreas Storm and Tim Zulauf. More information


‘And then I was looking at the colour blue because I had the blues’

In an interview in our newspaper, Northern Irish choreographer Oona Doherty talks about the highs and lows of creating ‘Navy Blue’, the importance of the colour blue and how her team managed to give the piece hope when she herself could not. To the article

We were delighted to welcome pupils from the Kantonsschule Uetikon am See to the play ‘The Making of Pinocchio’ and were also happy with the published review.  


Due to the success of our ‘Manufacture’ with Petra Kenneth, we will be opening it again next Friday, 4 October from 7pm to 8pm and from 9pm to 10pm before an extended break. So bring along an item of clothing, a bag, a towel, a scarf or another accessory. You can decorate this gem with glittering appliqués in the Manufacture together with Petra Kenneth.

If you fancy a drink, table football or pinball, pop into the Stall6 Bar. As of today, it will be open again regularly from Wednesday to Saturday from 5 pm.

We are looking forward to the second opening weekend and we would be delighted if you would drop by.

The Gessnerallee team

PS: No tickets for ‘Navy Blue’ yet? Buy them now.

PPS: If you enjoy our weekly newsletter, please feel free to recommend it to others. You can subscribe under the following link:

PPPS: We would be delighted if you follow us on social networks: Instagram and LinkedIn.

Copyright: Hannah Gottschalk

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