«Kids in Dance»

The dance project of the Kids in Dance association brings together young people from Zurich and the surrounding area. The new production is about fragments of a life, a biography, moments, fleeting moments, memories.

  • Fri 02/21 7:00 – 7:45 PM


  • Sat 02/22 3:00 – 3:45 PM


  • Sat 02/22 5:30 – 6:15 PM


Copyright: O.Suter

In 2025, Kids in Dance will once again revitalise the Gessnerallee and turn the north wing into their other home for a fortnight. The ‘Fragmente’ dance project brings together young people aged 12 to 18 from Zurich and the surrounding area. Together with choreographer Sabine Schindler and social pedagogue Bettina Aremu, the participating young people work on a dance piece during the sports holidays, which is then presented.

In the new production, the group deals with the theme of fragments in the sense of fragments. Fragments of a life, a biography, moments, fleeting moments, memories. The stories of the participating young people are told through choreography and dance. The show creates a collision of codes or new things.

Access means and Language

The showing is not voice-based, only a few words and sentences are used. The event is fully accessible.

The shows are free of charge. For reservations, please register directly via the following e-mail address: tickets@kidsindance.ch

About the artists

Kids in Dance realises dance projects and dance workshops with young people (aged 12-18). With Kids in Dance, choreographer/dance teacher Sabine Schindler and social pedagogue Bettina Aremu make dance accessible as a form of expression for all young people in our society. The free programmes promote cultural participation and inclusion, giving young people the opportunity to take part in artistic projects and experience themselves through dance.

The alliance of dance art, social education and cultural institutions is central to all Kids in Dance projects.

Plain Language



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