«Art in Conflict»

Artistic creation in crisis regions is confronted with challenging questions. In this series of talks, different experts and artists come together once a month to reflect on their experiences in the form of a table discussion. This time with Iman Aoun (theater maker) and Toni Shapiro-Phim (director of the programme in Peacebuilding and the Arts and Chair of the minor in Creativity, the Arts, and Social Transformation, Brandeis University).

  • Wed 06/18 5:30 – 7:00 PM

    Stall 6

Copyright: Pumamimicomix

What can art achieve in regions affected by war? How do artists create opportunities for encounters and foster peaceful conflict resolution? artasfoundation, the Swiss foundation for art in conflict regions, has been initiating and organising art projects since 2012. Through practice, it is repeatedly confronted with fundamental questions. The series Art in Conflict aims to delve into these questions by an exchange between practitioners and scholars. This series, presented as moderated table discussions by the artasfoundation team, explores specific topics grounded in practical experiences and theoretical insights.

The evening focuses on the exchange between a theater maker and a researcher with a background in dance, discussing the intersection of human rights and art. The accompanying text Performance. A conversation between Iman Aoun and Toni Shapiro-Phim explores in the form of an interview what the unique qualities of drama and artistic work in traumatic contexts are.

Interested visitors are welcome to attend and to take part in the discussions. Spontaneous participation on site is always possible. Online participation is possible with prior registration.

Free entry

For the event on 18. June, please register here

artasfoundation, Lindenbachstr. 21, 8006 Zurich Center for Art and Peacebuilding (a joint initiative of artasfoundation and the Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK)

Supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia

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